To more efficiency in fleet management

This job often requires a lot of data entry and manual administration which can be very time consuming and repetitive. Fortunately now there is specific fleet software to help deal with fleet management. So you can automate key processes and report on data within your fleet as easily as with a few clicks. What is

July 21, 2024
May 25, 2023

What is fleet management?

Fleet Management is a term often used to refer to various types of mobility management within a business. Fleet Management essentially means the administration, monitoring and planning of a vehicle fleet within a business. Topics a fleet manager will work on tend to include leasing and financing, compliance, damage management, fuel management supply management, logistics and health and safety.

The importance of fleet management

Company cars  are some of the most expensive assets for any business. Thus, they deserve to be taken care of to ensure they serve the organization longer, and more effectively. That’s where fleet management comes in. Fleet management is an indispensable task for large companies dealing with many cars, such as delivery companies, dealerships, and car rentals.

Monitoring vehicles helps to know how well the fleet performs and guides the fleet manager in making optimal decisions. Why should you implement digital fleet management in your company? We’ll answer that question. But first, let’s see what fleet management is all about.

What does fleet management involve?

Fleet management encompasses all activities required to ensure the smooth operation of a company’s vehicles. These activities are carried out by the fleet manager who should have great organizational and communication skills. In addition, the fleet manager should have IT knowledge and a good understanding of motor vehicles.

The fleet manager coordinates all the transport activities, supervises the drivers, and acts as the communication center. Below are more tasks that a fleet manager does.

Fleet manager and driver walking in front of trucks
  • Helps to procure vehicles for the company through lease or purchase
  • Acquires licenses and ensures the vehicles comply with the law
  • Ensures the business has sufficient and competent drivers and technicians
  • Looks for ways to reduce expenses, such as saving on fuel
  • Keeps a record of fleet metrics and reports to senior management
  • Plans regular maintenance to ensure vehicles are safe for the road

The fleet manager can perform many other duties that fall within the department. But the manager requires support from senior management and junior employees for the system to function well. Let’s see why a well-functioning fleet tracking and management system is a key asset to companies.

What types of company have a fleet?

Fleet management is mainly a function in companies of a larger size. These companies may have a fleet of company cars for employees, or they may work within freight forwarding, medical, taxi or car rental. Almost any company industry can have a vehicle fleet. Often the difference is the purpose of the fleet within the business.

Cost Management in fleets

The biggest challenges right now

Often one of the biggest challenges in fleet management is gaining transparency over the fleet costs. A large fleet will have a lot of variables that impact the cost to the business. Without  fleet software it can be very difficult to maintain all of those data points in a way that can be useful to understand. Compliance is also a big challenge for a fleet manager as they must adhere to regulations based on the country they reside. For companies that have fleets in multiple countries this can add a level of complexity. Click here to read more about multi-country fleets.

What does the future hold for fleet software?

According to Shell and their future of fleet report by 2040, the fleet industry will have been transformed almost beyond recognition. The need to transition to new fuels will create challenges and opportunities for fleet managers that are considerably different from those faced by the domestic vehicle industry. With companies having clear carbon footprint goals and working to become more sustainable it will likely mean a different type of vehicle is used for the commercial fleet. It is expected many companies will already be preparing for the future of fleet management and have already begun adjusting their internal processes and technologies. If you'd like to read Shell's full report you can download a copy here.

Why do companies need an efficient fleet management system?

Most companies want to maximize profit, and the best way to do so is by improving efficiency. That means using minimum resources to yield maximum results. Fleet tracking and management systems allows organizations to maximize productivity using the available vehicles.

They do this by using fleet management metrics to make optimal plans. These records help them decide on the best delivery route and optimal delivery schedules to see to it that goods are delivered on time and at a minimum cost.

Additionally, fleet managers rely on these metrics to make decisions, such as deciding which car to sell. If the records show a particular vehicle costs too much to maintain, they can sell it and buy a more efficient one.

They also help track the wear and tear of each vehicle, which helps predict the next maintenance. An organization can plan accordingly for expected maintenance to ensure minimum disruption. Prompt maintenance can also boost the safety of the cars and their drivers while on the road.

An essential part of fleet management is vehicle tracking. Knowing the location of each vehicle at any time enhances security. Plus, it makes it easier to recover stolen cars. You can also keep your customer updated on delivery progress, which can improve their overall experience.

How software can help companies in fleet management

In this digital era, there’s no better way to manage your fleet than using software; and not just any software, but customizable tools to meet your specific needs. Managing a fleet manually isn’t only expensive, but it’s also prone to errors. A manual process can really slow you down and cause problems like;

hand touching graphics
  • Missing deadlines with customers because of a slow process
  • Incomplete records and delayed reporting
  • Too much paperwork, which can lead to fatigue and avoidable errors
  • Poor coordination due to a lack of real-time reporting systems

Using software is the best way to overcome the challenges of a manual process. Aviros helps you automate your fleet management activities and brings everything into one place. It saves your time, allowing you to focus on getting more clients. Try Aviros today and watch your business leap to the next level.

The advantages of a software for fleet management

The advantage of a fleet management software is that not only does it allow you to automate more tasks but it can also help you save money. By removing the need for multiple data points and excel spreadsheets you can see all of your fleet information in one place. This is crucial when looking for outliers such as high fuel consumption or overpriced leasing agreements. This will aid you in also making key business decisions such as do you buy your company vehicles vs leasing them or which fuel cards are best?

Alongside vehicle maintenance and general administration it is important to have a clear and easy way to interact with your drivers around key tasks such as driver license checking and insurance. Fleet Compliance is incredibly important within a fleet manager’s job as getting this wrong could risk fines and law action if essential regulations are not followed.

Vehicles can range from companies cars, trucks to shipping fleets. Finding the right fleet software depends on the needs within your business. It’s often best to compare software for their key features to decide which is the best fleet software or system for you.

Avrios focuses on vehicle fleets such as cars and vans. We're also working to help our customers understand the true environmental cost of their fleet and how they can use this information to make better mobility choices for the future and optimize their fleet management.

Words by:
Nora Emig